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Fee Schedule 2025

Expedited Review - US$1500

Exemption Review - US$1500

Full Board Review - US$2,500 for 1st hour & $500 for each additional hour not to exceed $4,000

Non-Human Subjects Research Determination - US$1000

Annual Continued Oversight Fee for expedited and exempt studies invoiced yearly on date of annual check-in - US$500

Annual Continued Oversight Fee for continuing review of full board studies invoiced yearly on date of continuing review - US$1000

Amendments or Changes, Substantive - US$500 for new documents or protocols not previously reviewed, substantive modifications to documents or protocols, modifications to approved documents not presented for review showing changes tracked.

Amendments or Changes, Minor– no charge for staffing changes, site, date or enrollment changes, minor revisions to approved documents presented for review showing changes tracked.

Reporting of Adverse Event - no charge

Study Closure - no charge

Reporting Deviation – no charge

Reliance Agreement using HML IRB form - US$250

Reliance Agreement using another form - US$500

First-time Set Up to establish a new institution/client account - US$1000

Research Ethics Consulting - US$300 per hour


HML IRB Research & Ethics

Payment for services is incurred once you submit your request and your review begins. We will email an invoice where you may pay by credit card, EFT, or check.

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