Since 2000, HML IRB has provided over 2,300 research ethics and quality assurance reviews in 183 countries for
United Nations, The World Bank, United States Institute of Peace, Mathematica
and more than 270 other organizations, world-wide (see below). Our focus is on social & behavioral research in public health, children, education, labor, economics, WASH, agriculture, M&E, chronic and infectious diseases, etc. Many of these studies include subjects, especially children, who are in high or very high-risk situations (e.g., war and armed conflict, forced migration, physical or sexual abuse, torture, forced labor, drug or sexual trafficking, prisoners, violence, etc.).
Our concern is human research subject protection.
All reviews are strictly confidential.
We will be glad to provide references on request.
D. Michael Anderson, PhD, MPH, Chair & Human Subjects Protections Director
Penelope A. Lantz, JD, General Legal Counsel, Health & Family Law & International Research Ethics Law
Lawrence O. Agyekum, PhD, MSc, Program Measurement & Evaluation, Research Design, Biomedical Informatics
Kimberly A. Ashburn, PhD, MPH, Design & Implementation of Social & Behavioral Research in Developing Countries
Shannon Ball, MPH, International Community Relations in Epidemiology, Biostatistics & Emerging Infectious Diseases
Alison Corbacio, MA, International Program Design, WASH, Measurement & Evaluation, Maternal & Child Health
Jennifer Crumlish, PhD, Clinical Child Psychology Research & Counseling, Protective Services, Psychological Assessment
Karen G. Fleischman Foreit, PhD, International Operations Research, Measurement & Evaluation
Venkatesh Ganapathy, MD, Investigator Initiated Study Support, Regulatory Compliance, Outcomes Research
Hongying Li, PhD, MPH, Developing & Managing Transdisciplinary Research & Implementation in Developing Regions
Jeff Mellow, PhD, MA, Correctional Policy, Community Corrections, Reentry, Practice & Effectiveness, Critical Incidents
Sarah Munro, MPH, Longitudinal Field Work & Outbreak Investigations in Humans & Wildlife, Data Management & Analysis
Jeffrey Pagel, PhD, MS, International & Applied Economics and Labour Research, Research Design
Sarah B. Paige, PhD, MPH, Infectious & Zoonotic Disease Prevention, Evidence-based Community Health Programming
Johana Teigen, MPH, International Health & Development, M&E Addressing Health Impact of Development Programs
David M. Vannier, PhD, Biomedical Research, and Science Education, Training & Policy Research
Jennifer A. Virgo, MSW, LICSW, Maternal & Child Health, At-Risk Youth, & School-Based Therapy
Asha Vyas, OD, Clinical Multidisciplinary Care Providing Medical & Scientific Information to Enhance Patient Outcomes
The World Bank Group
United States Institute of Peace
International Committee of the Red Cross
United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) United Nations Development Program (UNDP) United Nations Refugee Agency (UNHCR) United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) United Nations World Food Program (WFP) United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (UN-OCHA) United Nations Women
A2F Consulting Age of Learning the Atlantic Council the Brookings Institution
Boston Scientific Busara Center for Behavioral Economics CARE Classroom Inc
DAI Global Dalberg Research Deloitte Ernest & Young FHI 360 Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition (GAIN) Global Insight Innovations for Poverty Action ICF International Insight Policy Research International Labour Organization (ILO) IOD Park Ipsos IREX Iris Group International Making Cents International MEF Associates NR Management Consultants India National Institutes of Health (NIH) Neuromotion Labs Opinión Pública Ecuador Prevent Cancer Foundation Population Reference Bureau (PRB) Precision Agriculture for Development Results for Development (R4D) RTI International Save the Children SRI International State of Kansas State of Washington The Palladium Group The QED Group Underwriters Laboratory Universalia World Vision International
plus over 200 other research and international aid organizations.


HML Institutional Review Board has received continuous re-authorizations since 1995, and is registered with the US Department of Health & Human Services; Office of Human Research Protections (OHRP Institutional Review Board #00001211, Federal Wide Assurance #00001102, IORG #0000850) to review research involving human subjects conducted or supported by the DHHS, or other federal departments or agencies that apply the Federal Policy for the Protection of Human Subjects (the “Common Rule”).

HML IRB follows rules and guidelines contained in the USDHHS Code of Federal Regulations for the protection of human subjects (45CFR46), and The International Compilation of Human Research Standards of over 1,000 laws, regulations, and guidelines governing human subjects research in 183 countries, plus standards from several international and regional organizations. We also follow the Office for Human Research Protections (OHRP) IRB Guidebook, and the Ethical Principles and Guidelines for the Protection of Human Subjects of Research from The National Commission for the Protection of Human Subjects of Biomedical and Behavioral Research (the Belmont Report), the UNICEF Procedure for Ethical Standards in Research, Evaluation, Data Collection, and Analysis, and the Council for International Organizations of Medical Sciences (CIOMS).